WHYS – context for decisionmaking

WHYS is a Decision Support Tool for the Information Age. It combines technology and the power of the human mind to help politicians, managers, or doctors make informed decision. The platform speeds up up and simplifies accurate understanding of context and will be demonstrated at the show. 


A project evaluation tool, that does not only help improve ideas but also puts sustainability and ethicalness on the innovator's agenda.

Motion Karaoke 2019

Players record body-movements and challenge others to imitate their motions. Now an app ready to be launched.

Motion Karaoke – interactive toy

On the surface, Motion Karaoke is a simple toy: Hold a button – record a move. Hold a button – repeat the move. But besides not being simple at all (have you ever tried repeating a movement?), its core algorithm has potential in educational and healthcare- applications.

BlindMate (coming 2021)

Let your friends hook you up … and hook up your friends!

On BlindMate you don't swipe for your own matches but leave that to your friends. Trust them, they know who's your type. Or are you currently in a relationship but want to help your single friends out?

Edit: blindmate is now available on the stores!

Budget Game

Have you ever ranted about politics? We have. But have you ever had to come up with a budget for your country, had to balance education vs. healthcare, rich vs. poor, and immediate problems vs. long term goals?

It's trickier than you might think. 

With the great Chiara Treglia

One Tool One Stool

Stool made from one sheet of metal using only two cuts. 

White Loop – reusable delivery packaging

Developed at Tsinghua University in Beijing, White Loop proposes reusable high quality metal trays as a solution to the 110 000 000 pieces of single use plastic used in China's food delivery every single day.

With the awesome Alexander Kane

Mezzanine Berlin

Things I do when I'm not in front of my computer

With the entertaining Elli

Arrival Kit – refugee information

The Arrival Kit is an information package that helps asylum seekers who arrive in Augsburg. Its concept aims to help with a successful integration by providing friendly, clear and accessible information and advise. The Arrival Kit was my bachelor's project, currently I am working on its realisation.

Infografik – School System for »DIE ZEIT«

The newspaper spread shows a Sankey-Diagram visualising the different possible careers in the German school system and the number of pupils choosing each path. It was published in "Die Zeit" on the 20th of September, 2014.

Time – exhibition installation

Construction of a 3-stories high pendulum for the semestral students' show (the show's topic was »time«). The pendulum struck the seconds and shone at night.

consens – conceptual design of a political party

Conception of a political party with regards to content and visual design. As a young political party consens aims to stand for a dedicated democracy and therefore develops a realistic model of grassroots democracy.

Last Exit to Heaven – opening animation

Animation-project: opening sequence for the film-title »Last Exit to Heaven«. Developed together with Aaron Rosner, Hakan Poyraz, Aleksander Presic and Dominik Schäfer.

Ice – photo series

A series of macro photographies that capture the fascination that hides in the tiny details of ice.

Mennemeyer und Rädler – corporate design

Development of a Corporate Identity for the firm of solicitors »Mennemeyer und Rädler, Rechtsanwälte beim Bundesgerichtshof« (lawyers at the federal court). Design of business equipment, website and photography.

Nightride – pinhole camera

Several photography-series, captured with a self-made pinhole camera made of cardbord and tape with an aperture of 128.

Hamburg Businessbrochure

Design of a brochure about the economic hub Hamburg. Emphasis on typography and photography.

Horizontals – photo series

Ordinary places, everyday environments abstracted to two-dimensional images. Inspired by Gursky's work.


A satirical interpretation of Stilllifes. 

Fruits – photo series

Somewhere between packshot and stilllife this series shows fallen fruit. The one by one meter original prints show every last detail of the different husks and pulps of the different fruits.


Things I do when I'm not in front of my computer #1

RENK – Imagefilm

Development of a new imagefilm for »RENK Testsysteme« as a visual business card. Created together with Verena Bublak, Elisabeth Rädler, Tom Hegen and Felix Finger.


The early bird catches the worm. In default of a soul the devil puts up with a fly … proverbs illustrated as posters.

SWM Documentation

Documentation of the server rooms and technical surveillance of the »Stadtwerke München« in cooperation with OXXID.

Environmental Flyer

Design of a flyer for the ministry for environment (typography and editorial task).


An alternative corporate design for an imaginary dairy producing a range of products. Corporate and packaging concepts visualised in SolidWorks.